Issues with the new page builder

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To start, I must click twice to get a single space between words! That alone has me frustrated to no end.

I also cannot change the border color and was suggested to start from scratch. That would add hours to something that took me a short amount of time.

Please let me know how to go back to the original formatting interface.



Hi @SandyPST


Thank you for sharing this feedback with us. The good news is being unable to use the space bar does have a feedback thread of its own. Because of this we recommend sharing your experience on these directly on those threads. As for being able to change the border color of your block, we have received reports of some users being unable to change the border color of the ‘split article with border’ layout. This is a defect we are in the process of troubleshooting and tracking. The workaround we suggest in the meantime is to us the 'Article with Border' layout or the 'Two Column' layout instead.

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