Find top engaged contacts

0 Votes

I'd like to see a report that lists the top openers from each of my lists, but I don't see one that does that.

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @CraigJ811. This is a great suggestion. Our Segment feature can help you search for contacts who click or open your emails during a period of time and you can search for these contacts by the list that they were on. Does this help at all or were you looking for a report that can be accessed in the account? Where would you expect to find it? What criteria would you like to have on the report?


Hi Caitlin,


Thanks for the suggestion but this does not accomplish what I want.  It simply shows me who's opened any e-mail, not how many (and which, though this is less interesting to me) e-mails were opened.


It would look like this:



Contact A: 9

Contact B: 9

Contact C: 8

Contact 😧 7



Contact Z: 0



Status changed to: Voting Open
Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

At this time, we do not plan to create reporting based on a segment that would show the total number of opens, clicks, etc. If we hear anything in the future regarding this feature request, we will update the thread.

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