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Manually confirm contacts in Awaiting Confirmation

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Please add a confirmation button to confirm everyone.  I accdently sent out an email asking for confirmation and it was send to all those already confirmed.  Now they have to reconfirm.  

Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hi @RichardJ691. Where on the Contacts page would you expect to find this type of button? Would it need to appear after a selection was made for the contacts in this status?


Good day

Let me explain what happened. (I know you are aware of this but I want to explain what happened.)


When a person subscribes to our newsletter they are now required to confirm there email address.

The email is sent to them and they need to click on the confirmation link.

So what happened is that about three people did not confirm and I knew them.  So I wanted to
send out another confirmation email.  I thought I found the link to do so but it turns out that
everyone on the list now has to reconfirm, which is about 500 subscribers.  They could of accidently
deleted the email or just forgot.


I am hoping that the software tech person could do something that people could do to send out another
email so that they could re-comfirm.  



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