More criteria for A/B testing

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Subject lines are important, but since it is not a valid test unless only one thing is changed, your A/B subject line test isn't enough if I wish to test designs or different copy. Perhaps there is no way for CC to help me make that happen, but I wish there were a way to set up two designs and give the list I want divided into two randomly selected lists so that I did not have to do that on my own. Thanks for the listen!


Apparently A/B testing for actual email content is not a feature you offer right now. Tere is only an option for A/B testing subject line.


CC team: I would suggest adding this feature. I noticed a lot of people asking the same question. Your "advice" article about A/B testing even talks about doing the A/B test on the actual content, but the Constant Contact platform doesn't offer that as an option.


Doing it manually is impossible, because CC wouldn't be able to dedupe the lists if we send it as two separate emails.


Thanks for considering.

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