Announcing Campaign Builder!

Website note working

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I was in the middle of scheduling an email when it started to take forever to load. Then I tried to click back to my dashboard/campaigns page and it takes a long time and only loads some of the content - none of the important stuff. Other times, it takes a while to load and then says "something went wrong". It even logged me out on the app on my phone (but I was able to get back in). The site isnt working. 







I think you are probably aware of this problem, but just in case you aren't.  I get an error message after the log-in screen that says "Something went wrong."  This is the URL that I am taken to  This error message occurs when trying to log in on a laptop and my smart phone.


Dayna Brown



Hi everyone,


Thank you for sharing this feedback with us! We did receive reports yesterday of users experiencing issues with connecting to their account. This however has since been resolved. Because of this we are going to close this idea. This doesn't mean that we aren't listening to your feedback! Please feel free to comment or vote on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see.

Status changed to: Closed - No Action
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