Cancel add-ons like Inbox Preview without calling billing

I was able to purchase the add-on inbox preview within seconds, of course because they will earn $10 extra from my account per month.  But in order to remove it I need to call billing.  I can understand calling billing to cancel the service but a simple add-on?  This is silly and set-up so people won't call.

Campaign Contributor

Hi CC,

Just thought you could either have an "activate" or "deactivate" button on the Inbox Preview, or at least have that the text below the button disclaim that  is an add on charge.  I'm sure it is a great feature for those who are viewed on multiple platforms, but it is misleading when it's a big button there waiting to be pushed and not necessarily needed.  Thanks!

Status changed to: Voting Open

Thanks for posting this feedback, I can understand how clarifying the pricing structure would help.


Have you gotten a chance to use Inbox Preview to see your emails in other clients?

Campaign Contributor

Hi Hanna,

Yes and it confirmed that we look great everywhere! But seriously, we use the same template blast after blast, so that was to be expected. But on that note, I looked at the Preview with one of your support team. I was trying to see what it would look like to viewers who don't get images in their preview window. We always put a header to inspire contacts to open/download, but I can never see what that looks like, since it opens fully in my preview. We couldn't make that work for me, but Support was able to see it in his and confirmed that it did it's job. Once I knew that, unless we change our template, I see no reason to use Inbox Preview.

Be careful just to click on the addon for email previews es it will be added and charged to account! besides its NOT worth it!
Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @AngelM30763,


Thanks for the great feedback. Our developers are currently working on ways to streamline our cancellation process. I'm going to open this ticket up for voting so we can see how many other customers second this feedback.


Thanks for using Constant Contact!

Rob L.


Agreed!  I can only do this stuff on the weekend as I'm a volunteer and have a full time job during the week.  I'm sitting on hold the day of our big event trying to prevent another charge to my credit card. This is very frustrating! 


It should be in the UI to be able to add or cancel add ons---not a call. Make it self serve please!


Aloha, I am disappointed with how easy it is to add an add on by accident and how difficult it is to remove it. There is no clear info on how to remove this add on from my account. It is not listed anywhere but on the bill statement where it states $10.00. I am in Hawaii timezone and customer support is closed.

Status changed to: New

Hi @CandaceG09. I'm so sorry this happened! I see you were able to contact our Billing team regarding the add-on and they were able to remove it. 


I don't even know how/why "Inbox Preview" started showing up on my account?! Yes, you should most definitely be able to cancel w/o having to call Billing! Not cool Constant Contact.

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