View and Export Cumulative Report of Original Send and Resend

To whom it should concern, Your reporting capabilities are extremely deficient and clearly not focused on what a customer needs. One example, I can download contacts who opened the original email (campaign), I can download contacts who opened the follow-up email (campaign); however, I cannot download the combined list of contacts who opened the email (campaign). I have to download separate reports and add them together to see all the clients who opened the email (campaign). Call Center Rep stated this situation is because the follow-up email is a 'separate campaign." From a user's perspective, it is not a separate campaign. Very disappointed. I hope you address this obvious deficiency. Regards. Jude


Hi @JudeMC


Thanks for sharing this feature request with us! We can understand how important it is to export a cumulative report of both sends. Because of this we have tracked your request and opened up this idea so other users may weigh in as well.

Status changed to: Acknowledged
Brand Visionary

100% agree with this request. I requested it last year too, not sure where it ended up in the queue. It seems like it could be a simple update: add one more dropdown for "Click-Through Distribution" that consolidates Original Send and Resend to Non Openers. PLEASE. PLEASE. PLEASE.


Currently, your Click-Through Distribution reporting feature breaks clicks into Original Send and Resend to Non-Openers in the drop-down menu. It would be incredibly helpful and appreciated if you could create a third option, Total/Combined, that aggregates BOTH sends. I need to manually export and combine the data each month, which is tedious. Is there any chance of this feature being added? (Or, if it already exists somewhere else, please point me in the right direction!) Thank you!

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