Customize border in template

I wish there was an option to put a border around an entire email to frame it. I want the inner background and outer background colors to be the same (in this case both white) but would like some separation between the two and being able to add a frame or border around the entire email would help break it up. I do not want to use a background pattern or background color other than white. This seems like a very basic design element to provide.

Top Answer


I saw this thread was recently pretty active and agree we're overdue for an update. We can assure you work is being done on this. For those asking for the ability to add a border around the outside of an email - that is planned to be added. 


With the addition of that feature, for those of you asking to remove or modify an existing border in a campaign, we just updated this thread requesting that. This new feature will allow for that as well, but we just need to do more work before it's ready to be release. In case it hasn't been relayed yet, there are only certain templates that have the outer border currently that is unable to be changed. If your goal is to remove it, you can select a different template in the meantime.


No firm time frame yet, but we'll keep this thread updated.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hey @Christa03, thanks for providing this feedback! I've opened this idea up for voting so we can get further feedback from other users and allow them to "Kudo" this idea if they agree. 

Campaign Contributor

The legacy format for editing content was much better. The new format does not allow for adding borders to content blocks. There are very limited design elements. 

Are there plans to improve this? 



Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @BethL. Our editor has a block layout that includes a border, both for a single column and a double column. Does this help?




Could you also let us know what elements you think are missing or what you would like to see?

Campaign Contributor

Thanks for this info, that is helpful.

Hannah L.

Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Hi @BethL you're very welcome! Because our previous response answers your feedback we are going to close this idea.

Campaign Contributor

The border blocks you reference are not a good substitute and very difficult to manipulate. In legacy editor, it is possible to include a border surrounding all blocks. 

Hannah Lee

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @BethL thank you for following up with us on this request! By adding a border surrounding all blocks, do you mean around the whole complete email or every individual block you may add in?


You have to choose a template with the border option


If I want to copy a previous email campaign and change it for the next one and add a border to that one, I have no way to do that without starting all over and making several individual text blocks? That is crazy!

would love a border option that goes around the entire email

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