I'm creating a contact with the v3 api (POST to /v3/contacts), and I get a 201 response. But when I look at the contact record that was created via GET to that same endpoint, I see the record with the email address, but no phone numbers associated. Have even tried GET to https://api.cc.email/v3/contacts?include=phone_numbers and I see a phone_numbers array on the record but it is empty. What can I do to ensure that I'm adding a phone number during contact creation properly? Thanks!
My name is Caleb and I am a member of Constant Contact's API Support Team.
After reviewing the request provided I have been able to identify the cause of this issue as having a missing underscore for 'phone_numbers": ['. This allowed for the system to successfully create the contact record (201 success) however it prevented the creation of the phone number field as there was no matching label due to the missing underscore. I am able to confirm that once correcting the request to include the underscore that this now creates the contact correctly and shouldn't pose any further issues.