Not sure why I am getting null, could you help me?
$code = $request->input('code');
$ccAuthorizationURL= $this->getAccessToken($code);
curl resource @604 ▼ url: "https://idfed.constantcontact.com/as/token.oauth2?code=1wwtp21NvvvvTMAkCvh_lVgDJ&redirect_uri=http://localhost:8080/admin/constantcontact/rljccco ▶" content_type: null http_code: 0 header_size: 0 request_size: 0 filetime: -1 ssl_verify_result: 0 redirect_count: 0 total_time: 0.0 namelookup_time: 0.0 connect_time: 0.0 pretransfer_time: 0.0 size_upload: 0.0 size_download: 0.0 speed_download: 0.0 speed_upload: 0.0 download_content_length: -1.0 upload_content_length: -1.0 starttransfer_time: 0.0 redirect_time: 0.0 redirect_url: "" primary_ip: "" certinfo: [] primary_port: 0 local_ip: "" local_port: 0 http_version: 0 protocol: 0 ssl_verifyresult: 0 scheme: "" appconnect_time_us: 0 connect_time_us: 0 namelookup_time_us: 0 pretransfer_time_us: 0 redirect_time_us: 0 starttransfer_time_us: 0 total_time_us: 0 }
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support and for your patience. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
It looks like we'll some additional information in order to assist with troubleshooting. If you could please provide us with your full URL request, the API key you are using, as well as any timestamps you have available, we'll be able to better assist in pinpointing the cause of the null response. Please provide this information securely by reaching out to us via email at webservices@constantcontact.com, and reference case number 28009990. We look forward to assisting you!