Hello, I'm wondering if constant contact offers a way to implement a double opt-in sign up form for our companies website. Do you have such a function in the API docs? Basically looking for implementation of double opt in that will get name and email and store it in our constant contact emailing list. I'm not extremely well versed in this area, apologies. Will we have to create our own sign up form that then links to the API and stores those emails or is there something that you provide that could do this? Thanks, let me know if clarification is needed.
Hello FirstNameL682631,
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
Double (confirmed) Opt-In is something that can only be configured from within the UI under My Account. Once it’s set up, any sign-up form connected to the account will go through the opt-in process specified there.
Enable Confirm Opt-In for new sign-ups
As far as sign-up forms, you can either program/develop your own form using Constant Contact’s API, or just use one of our pre-built options (Pop-up form, Inline form, Landing Page):
Connecting a form you developed using the API:
After you have built your form, you’ll want to start by going through the OAuth flow to create an authenticated connection to the Constant Contact account the form connects to. You can then use our API endpoints to map contact entries from your form to the appropriate fields and lists within the account.
Pre-built forms within the UI:
For help with settings or forms within the UI, please reach out to our Support Team at 866-289-2101. For further assistance regarding Constant Contact’s API, please feel free to respond directly to this post, or you can email us directly at webservices@constantcontact.com
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