Why does token refresh doesn't always work? We always have to reauthorize.
When a token expires and then we try to refresh it, we always get the below error and mind you, it is the same refresh token given to us when we requested for an access token.
{\"error_description\":\"unknown, invalid, or expired refresh token\",\"error\":\"invalid_grant\"}\r\n."}
Hello @user980825,
I see that this question was also submitted to us via email. We've replied to your email, requesting some additional information, but I wanted to close the loop here as well. If you haven't received our reply, please let us know via email at webservices@constantcontact.com, and reference case number 27328130.
Bumping this question as well.
We've been struggling with this issue on several sites. The documentation is pretty clear about the lifespan of the token types; however, when attempting to use the API more than a day later the refresh token returns the same response as the OP noted, and we're forced to perform a complete re-connection again. Where's this breaking down?
Hi Team,
I integrated Constant Contact with Cazoomi.
The connection shuts down quite often (say every 2 weeks) and we have to reconnect.
It's also connected via API V3.
How can I reslove this?
Thank you
Hello JohnS76814,
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
For privacy purposes regarding your account, we’ve followed up with you directly via email, but I wanted to close the loop here as well. If you haven't received our reply, please let us know via email at webservices@constantcontact.com, and reference case number 31395698.
Please have a look and let us know if you have any other questions!