If we enable single sign-on, is it possible to prohibit users from logging into the platform using their username and password once SSO is in place? (Disable login via username and password in favour of SSO.)
Ideally, for ALL users. (Even the user which initially created the account.)
I am not very familiar with SSO, so perhaps the answer is clear enough from the documentation, but it wasn't obvious to me. (Based on my limited knowledge of SSO.)
Hello Osman,
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
Currently, SSO implementation is only available for Constant Contact Partners. When it is enabled, Only the Account Owner user role logs in via SSO. Other user roles on an account such as the Account Manager and Campaign Creator Roles would login via Constant Contact username and password. Below I’m including our current V3 API documentation on Partner SSO.
Configuring Single Sign On:
If you’re interested in becoming a Constant Contact Partner, you can apply on the page I’m linking below.
Constant Contact Partner Program:
Please have a look and let us know if you have any other questions!
Ah. I see. That's unfortunate. Our understanding (misunderstanding) was that SSO was available for all accounts. And a “Constant Contact Partner” is a company involved in developing integrations with Constant Contact? Correct?
If so, is there anything on the horizon that will allow companies to use SSO for login in the near future?
Thank you for the quick reply here. Very much appreciated.
Hello Osman,
Thank you for your reply. I apologize for the delay in our response.
There are different types of Constant Contact Partnerships but Technology Partners typically develop integrations between Constant Contact and other platforms.
At the moment there are no plans to expand SSO use to all accounts, however, I have added your account to an open feature request for this functionality.
Please let us know if you have any other questions!
Thanks, John! No worries about the delay. Really, I understood well enough from your comment what you meant, but I figured there was no harm in confirming.
And that sounds great, thank you. We would love to be notified if SSO functionality rolls out more broadly.
John… just realizing that, somewhere between my above post and today, I switched accounts. If there's some way for you to set your answer as the solution/best answer, that would be great. (As the original comment was posted on an account that is no longer active.)
Thanks again,
Hey there John, could you add our account to this open feature request for SSO functionality as well? We would love to be notified if SSO becomes more widely available to all users.
Carson Creel
Security Architect
TX Health Benefits
Hello TXHB,
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
I have tracked your account on the open feature request for the ability to enable SSO for standard accounts.
Please let us know if you have any other questions!