To-do in this article:
 Familiarize yourself with the Contacts page
 Decide if you are ready to upload contacts or need to grow your lists

There’s a chance you’ll spend a lot of time on the Contacts page so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the different components. It might seem self-explanatory in parts, but we still want to touch on everything the page has to offer so you will feel set up for success!


  1. When you first visit the Contacts page the default view will be on “Contacts.” You can change the view to Lists, Segments, or Tags, as well.
  2. Insights provides data on how many contacts are subscribed (this number is connected to your Billing plan, too). How many new subscribers have joined in the last 30 days, the growth percentage in the last 30 days, and how many Unsubscribed contacts.
  3. All available contacts are listed here. You can change the view based on their subscription status or whether they are on a list or not. 
  4. Up to seven columns can be displayed at once and you can modify which columns are visible (for example, you could switch out “Source” for “State/Province.”)
  5. Similarly, the search function allows you to search by their name or email address, as well as any other important contact fields.
  6. Click the blue Add Contacts button to choose from several import options or click the three dots to view and/or export your contacts.


If you already have a list of contacts, then you will want to decide which method you will use to upload them to your account.


If you still need to grow your list of contacts, it’s time to consider which list growth tools will work best for you.



Version history
Last update:
‎05-07-2024 08:35 AM
Updated by: