Welcome to the world of contacts! If you're just starting out, you'll want to familiarize yourself with the Contacts dashboard as contacts are your network for marketing who you are as a business. I encourage you to play around in the dashboard, and once your comfortable, you can begin uploading contacts and discovering all the cool things you can do to create a customized experience for each customer! 
Since you’ll be spending a lot of time on the Contacts page, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the different components. Let's touch on everything the page has to offer to set you up for success:


  1. When you first visit the Contacts page the default view will be on “Contacts.” You can change the view to Lists, Segments, or Tags, as well.
  2. Insights provides data on how many contacts are subscribed (this number is connected to your Billing plan, too). How many new subscribers have joined in the last 30 days, the growth percentage in the last 30 days, and how many Unsubscribed contacts.
  3. All available contacts are listed here. You can change the view based on their subscription status or whether they are on a list or not. 
  4. Up to seven columns can be displayed at once and you can modify which columns are visible (for example, you could switch out “Source” for “State/Province.”)
  5. Similarly, the search function allows you to search by their name or email address, as well as any other important contact fields.
  6. Click the blue Add Contacts button to choose from several import options or click the three dots to view and/or export your contacts.


Let's get down to the basics. You'll want to add your contacts that you already have to your Constant Contact account. That way, you can begin managing the contacts you already have, while planning ahead to get more contacts added to your list. Once you have a good list growing, you can begin segmenting your contacts into multiple different lists based on their needs, interests, and specifically target your content towards a certain audience. 


If you're just starting out, you may already have a general contact list on Excel or another file source. That's great news if you do, because you can directly upload it to your Constant Contact account! There's plenty of other methods to get your contacts uploaded, so choose the way that works best for you


Once you upload your contacts, you then have the option to create lists to organize them into different "buckets." Think of these like group chats for certain customers who may share the same interests or behaviors.




With these lists, you can create segments based on behavior. With our segmentation tools, you can split your contacts into customized groups based on any combination of their engagement with your emails, the contact lists they're currently on, any personal information you've collected, the tags you've added, and ecommerce activity. 


If you're looking to grow your contact list, consider which list growth tools will work best for you. The possibilities seem endless to create a big list. You can utilize contact sign-up forms, create a landing page on your website, use SMS to expand your reach, and use a multitude of our integrations



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Last update:
‎06-06-2024 10:23 AM
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