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Delete contact from within the contact profile

It would be nice to be able to delete or remove the contact while on the screen that reflects the contacts details.

Status changed to: Voting Open

HI @CRChome

At this time you can delete the email address from the contact profile but to delete the entire record of a particular contact you would need to delete from the list view. Thanks for posting!

Status changed to: Certified Great Idea
It would be nice to be able to delete contacts when your in their record.
I just answered a survey regarding contacts...and I should've mentioned that it would be much easier if you were able to DELETE a contact from the screen where you can see your Open (or not opened!) activity! Thank You
Campaign Collaborator
can we do it by not having to scroll way up? there could be a delete button next to it.
It's hard to delete a contact!
Frustrated by how hard it is to delete contacts. Should be able to delete after looking at their individual page. Also when navigating the last names, looking at the contact and then going back to last name page, it reverts back to the beginning, last names starting in A. Should go back to page I was originally on. This makes it very hard as I am going through each contact that has last name starting with H on, then I have to go to the bottom of page each time and forward to next page, then next page and so on.
Marketing Legend
PLEASE, if i'm in a contact, let me delete from inside the contact details OR at least, when I come out of the contact, keep my cursor on that email address so I don't have to go hunt for it.
Marketing Legend
I'd like to be able to delete a contact while looking at their engagement record inside their profile. Currently, I have to go back to the list, remember who I was looking at, find them in the list again, check their box, go up to the top and select delete. That's too much to have to do. Please streamline this.
it is awkward--I want to look at individual contacts so I have to search, which is ok. But after doing to the detail and examining the details of the contacts, I can't go back to the page where I can delete it, which means I have to conduct the search once again. It would be better to have the options to Manage the contacts (e.g. delete,) from the contact detail page.
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