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Edit email campaigns on mobile or desktop

It would help a great deal if campaigns could be edited and created via the mobile app. It seems as though the app is completely pointless with how limited its functions are.


Thanks for posting!

Need a version for Windows 10 phones please.
Your new website is not intuitive. It was a giant step backwards! I used to be able to edit campaigns from phone in an emergency and now it is IMPOSSIBBLE. THE APP is even worse. What are we supposed you do when we don't have a laptop??
The app is useless and the browser no longer woks with phones.
Campaign Contributor
You need to offer a desktop site that people can modify an email and make it look professional from your iPad. I don't understand why I can get to it from my phone and not my iPad. The app is very disappointing. The sad part is if I want to lose my mind I can edit from my phone, but not my iPad. Is there any way to go to a desktop site from safari? This is ridiculous that I have to travel with an iPad and Surface to be able to send out new products from a show. I have to have my iPad to use the software I need from the show and have to carry 2 devices through security at the airport.
I am NOT fan of the app's very limited functionality. Also, I have had a hell of a time this morning trying to edit an email campaign I wanted to send out this morning. The app wouldn't let me add a hyperlink, and the website won't let me edit the actual body of the email. No screen shows up for me to edit the actual email. So now I'm not getting people directly to the blog post I want them to get to. So annoying! And then when I clicked "Share Screen" at the bottom of the website to try and get some support, it never "connected with an agent" or whatever the heck it was doing. Just a little frustrated this morning.
Marketing Legend

It is currently not possible to switch from mobile to computer, or computer to mobile if you are creating a campaign. If you begin on a mobile device, you have to finish and send it from a mobile device. The same is true for a computer.  It would not be so bad except that there are minimal options for blocks available on the mobile, making it virtually impossible to create a "reasonable" email campaign this way.  Please consider makig campaign emails accessible across both platforms.


This is a ridiculous situation, guys. Mobile is here to stay, so get on board with it!


I work so often from my iPad, from wherever I'm at, and cannot make changes to existing emails? Unacceptable! I'm a Virtual Assistant, of crying out loud - I work everywhere! Why can't the browser - Safari or Chrome - just let me work?


You cannot seriously still be using Flash. Adobe doesn't use Flash anymore and they created it!


Get with it, CC. I cannot, and will not, recommend this product until you join the 21st century. 


Now, excuse me while I go set up my client in.

Constant Contact has a truly terrible mobile interface for the business owner. I would love to see something that usable and intuitive. The fact that I even have to send this message is ironic. Just tired of dealing with an awful mobile back end.
Campaign Contributor
I was unable to use the app to resend an email, with minimal changes, from my iPad. That is too bad because it would be most convenient not to have to go to my computer to create emails.
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