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Elementor itegration

Hello I wanted to integrate constant contact with Elementor’s contact form widget. I love constant contact email templates and automation features which are very powerful and I love them. I currently use Elementor as my WordPress Page builder software. Both constant contact email templates, design platform and Elementor’s Design Platform are in my opinion the best in the business. Currently there is no integration between the two platforms. I want to continue to use both. One of constant contacts downfalls is that I cannot put fields side by side. Elementor has integrated there contact forms widget with many companies, ex. MailChimp, ActiveCampain, GetResponse just to name a few. I don’t want to switch to those companies because constant contact does have much better design features for their email designs. Is there any way for me to get both platforms to integrate with each other while maintaining Elementor’s design features on my website? If you like to take a look at what I am trying to do, here is a link to a page that has both forms side by side.
Status changed to: Open Questions

Thank you for your feedback @AlfredoD70! While we have not created an integration with Elementor, I was able to find that there is a way to connect Elementor to Constant Contact via Mail Optin. Here is an article which lists the instructions for connecting to many Email Marketing tools, such as Constant Contact:

Status changed to: Closed - No Action
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