Email Preferences

0 Votes

Hello, a suggestion to add a functionality where subscribers can open up a page to select their email preferences with a checkbox so they receive emails that are applicable to them and will then be added to the appropriate list. Thanks!

Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hello @SharoniF ,


Could you provide additional info on what you're looking to have you or your contacts be able to do, beyond what's currently available in accounts?


Based on how I'm understanding your initial post, it's currently possible with coded sign up forms you can add to your website, and link to in emails. You can also do that with landing pages, on a more individual basis for the lists. The Update Profile (and by extension Unsubscribe) form also allows for list/interest selection. 


For a full breakdown of available sign up forms, as well as links to their creation and share/install instructions, make sure to check out this article


For further info on the Update Profile form's functionality, make sure to check out this article.



Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Information

Thank you for taking the time to leave us your feedback. We haven't heard back from you so we are going to close this idea. We will leave it open for comments in case you are able to provide us with the requested information.

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