Events - Images clickable to open new browser verses a new page that leaves Constant Contact

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We have our sponsor logo's posted on our event landing page and linked to their company website.  The links should be able to open to a new browser verses leaving the landing page.  Please consider making this an option in a future upgrade. 

Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Hello @NathelaC97716 


Thanks for your feedback. At this time, we do not have any plans to make additional updates to our events program, and will only be working to correct critical defects. I will still track your feedback in case that plan changes. There is a way to force image links in event landing pages to open in a new window, however it does involve editing the html code for the landing page, so we do not typically recommend it. If it is something that you want to do, here are the steps.


1. Open the landing page to edit it.

2. Click on the block that contains the image in question

3. Select the blue HTML button from the toolbar that appears.

4. Identify the line of code related to the image link. This should look something like this:

<a track="on" href="Link Destination URL">

5. Add target="_blank" to this line of code before the second bracket, which should result in it looking like this:

<a track="on" href="Link Destination URL" target="_blank">

6. Click update at the bottom left on the HTML Source Editor window

7. Save and test.


It's a little bit complicated and beyond what we normally recommend, but if you want to have these links open in a new window, this is how it would be done. Feel free to reply if you have any more questions, or you can reach out to our support team for further assistance.



Rob L.

Constant Contact Partner

THis is the same request I have for landing pages. 

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