Folder efficiency

0 Votes

Having campaign folders is very helpful!

Wouldn't it be more efficient, though, if:


(1) the user could identify or label the folder at the time that the campaign is being created? So instead of creating a campaign and having it go into the "general" campaign listing so that the user has to make the extra step (and remember!) to identify and move the campaign to its proper folder, it could all be done in one step?


(2) the campaign folder hierarchy could be accessed when creating/finishing a campaign. If I am creating a campaign in "subfolder a" of parent folder A, when I am done, I could go right back into parent folder A without having to click on the Campaign tab on the main menu and starting again.


Thank you for your consideration!

If these (more) efficient options are currently available, I have been unable to access the "how to," then I apologize for the redundancy and respectfully ask for where the instructions can be found. 


Hi @CfR406


Thanks for sharing this feedback with us! The good news is selecting a folder when creating or copying a campaign and remembering the last page selected on campaigns list after viewing campaigns are feature requests we are collecting feedback on. We recommend commenting directly on those threads. The more request a thread receives the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team.

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