Mailout template selection

Your template selection needs improvement. you've had the same email templates and content components for years. If you want to retain your customers, you'll need to stay on top of it. 

our readers want to see something New. and we want to show them something new. but we can't because we're restricted to your old templates. 


Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hi @GerryS11. What types of templates would you like to see? Our templates are very customizable and you can change colors and fonts as needed. 

Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Information

Thank you for taking the time to post in the Community. We haven't heard back from you so we are going to close this idea. As mentioned in my initial post, our templates are very customizable with inserting layouts and images and you can change colors and fonts as needed.


If you are able to specify what you would like to see in a template, please comment on this post so we can follow up with you.

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