Reopen a closed event

Please can you look at providing the option to re-open an event, which has closed.


Thanks for sharing this feedback!


It would se so helpful to be able to edit an event after the date has lapsed. Very important for rescheduled events!! Thank u

Status changed to: Voting Open

This would really help. Especially for reporting. Once the event is closed you cannot go back and run any of the reports.


 Did this ever happen because I could really use it right now?

Campaign Collaborator

Agree with this suggestion as well. We had to postpone an event - but the event date passed before i was able to update it and thus the event closed permanently.  I don't want to make everyone who already registered have to re-register. Would LOVE if there were someway to get this event re-opened. 

Marketing Legend

It would be helpful to add attendees even after the event has taken place.

When setting up our 3 month long weekly event I clicked the option to not have a closing date. We like to leave our events open throughout the entire event as well as beyond the final dates. The event closed last night after the opening day. Please make a "re-open" feature so that if an event closes, it can be re-opened. Now I'll try to work around this serious problem by creating a new duplicate event so we can continue registration but we have lost the feature of maintaining a complete registry and email service to notify updates and changes for our registrants. PLEASE consider this request as I understand from your tech support (he was very polite and helpful to the limit of the programming) that many others have made a similar request. Thank you for considering my request.
Constant Contact Partner
Hello, We had two events we had to reschedule due to Hurricane Irma. Because the original events in Constant Contact had dates that were old by the time we had power and internet, we couldn't edit those events and had to create new events. Our attendees are still able to attend, but there is no way we can transfer those attendees over to the new dates. Also, for those attendees who had already paid, when we manually re-register them, they will get a confirmation email that automatically fills in their non-payment status, even though they have paid. I have no way to change that, and have to manually send them another email that assures them we do still have them marked as paid. I would greatly appreciate more customization and automation in the events that would address these issues. Thank you!
Campaign Expert

Example: We were using EventSpot to collect RSVPs from our staff members for our annual holiday party in December. The day of the party, we had snow so abruptly had to reschedule for another date. On searching the knowledge base, there was no way to reopen the event and change the date and other details so as to keep the registrants - I had to copy the old event, change the date/time etc, send a new email and ask people to RSVP all over again. We don't have the resources to manually enter everyone plus their guests. It has created confusion among those who registered for the original party, even though we specified they had to RSVP again. Can it be possible to reopen an event after the scheduled event date, in the event of a postponement or rescheduling so that we don't lose the attendees?

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