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See who is Unsubscribed

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When importing a list from a file, I see that 6 contacts did not import because they were unsubscribed. How do I know which ones they are?

Campaign Expert
In the Activity section all of the opt out email addresses used to be listed on the screen. I was able to select the data and put it in a spreadsheet for use in cleaning up our owner master file. With the enhancements this feature has disappeared. Please provide a list of the opted out email addresses.
Campaign Collaborator
before you upgraded adding contacts, once the add activity was complete, it would generate a list of the email addresses that were opt outs. Now, all I can see is a red box with a number in it, but no way to get the actual list (unless I do a painstaking compare of our complete contact list and the list(s) I added. With over 50,000 names, that doesn't seem like an efficient way to do it.
I recently added a list of contacts and was notified that 10 could not be added because they had previously unsubscribed. How can I see who those 10 are? Thank you. I need to e-mail them personally as I am only using CC to send a confirmation e-mail to people who participated in a report and the list was too long to do from outlook. These people are waiting to hear from me, but I don't know who the 10 are.
I need to be able to export a list of unsubscribes for auditing purposes. I added a new list of contacts to send out a Privacy notice and have to send a paper notice to those that are unsubscribed. This used to be an option in Constant Contact but it went away. Please bring it back asap!
They should add in activity reports, a column indicating the list that is imported or exported data, especially when exporting bounced would help, because I see how many contacts were exported, but I'm not 100% sure what list is
I often send emails that people who have unsubscribed still would like to receive. For example a customer may want a confirmation email about a program but does not want any promotion emails. This feature allowed me to send confirmation emails through constant contact and manually send an email to those that opted out. Why is this feature no longer available? I would like to request that the feature be added back.
When we upload a list your system indicates the number that can't be uploaded due to unsubscribe (or bad email addresses). You indicate the "bad" email addresses. It would be super helpful to see a list at that point of who unsubscribed so we can delete them from our master list. We LOVE using CC. Thanks!
Do I have to compare the list with the excel file I imported from? That could be time consuming.
In the older system you were given the e-mail addresses of people who have opted out when you added new subscribers. That gave you an opportunity to contact them to see if they want to resubscribe. The new system only gives you a number, so these people are now lost forever. I strongly request the feature that gives you the opted-out e-mail be added back in.
Marketing Legend
When uploading a large list, it would be nice to see which contacts have unsubscribed instread of seeing a red box with a 15 in it. I'd like to be able to go in and mark them in my database.
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