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See who is Unsubscribed

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When importing a list from a file, I see that 6 contacts did not import because they were unsubscribed. How do I know which ones they are?

I was given permission to create a group but 3 contacts were listed as unsubscribed and weren't added. I'd like to know the emails so that I don't try to add them in the future. If they've unsubscribed, I want to respect that.
Please add this option to a future version. Thanks!
I consider it vital that we are furnished with the specific data on who has opted out of receiving emails through Constant Contact. I have been using this feature for years to tag these contacts in my client management program so we have the data on who is not receiving the promotions and I also use it to exclude importing those contacts on any future mailers. Again, I consider this vital and I'm very shocked to discover that this feature has been eliminated.
After uploading a new list, it shows how many contacts were removed because they previously unsubscribed, but there is no way to see who these people are. For Example, we uploaded a list to inform members that they needed to take immediate action on something. A handful of unsubscribed contacts were removed from the new list. We still needed to contact them by phone or mail, but there is no way to see who the unsubscribed contacts are, short of cross-referencing lists line by line -- which is not terribly efficient. Would love to see a simple featured added that shows who the unsubscribed contacts are. Thank You!
Brand Influencer
When I add contacts from a spreadsheet, after it shows a yellowish bar on top that says "# of contacts were added." Why is that not clickable? I should be able to click that and have a list of contacts appear. Then if I have a few to adjust because they didn't quite fit the mold, I can do that without having to do a search for each email address. Please make that clickable. Thanks!
In the older version of Constant Contact when uploading email lists, it would pop up that an email address was incorrect and allow an opportunity to correct it... now it just shows that there are # of errors...
Marketing Expert
I just uploaded a file and the Activity report said one contact was not uploaded because it had been previously removed. There is nothing that offers the name or email of the contact that had been previously removed. How do I determine that?
Campaign Expert
Right click, left click, I don't care. I should be able to just click on that crucial information and see it! I'm sure there must be a way to see this, but it's hidden somewhere. So, I never fix this.
It's great knowing there are issues, but you used to show which users, so that we could alter that users information on the system, if needed. Now, you just say here are the problems - specifically an issue with those who have opted out. We can then disable our program from pulling their names, but I don't know who with the current interface. Thanx!
Sometimes people unsubscribe but then come into the shop and decide they want to be added again. When I add customer I usually wait until I have a list of around 6-10 and then add multiple contacts. After I import each customer and save, the top of the page always tells me '2 new added, 3 updated and 1 cannot be added because they have unsubscribed'. The problem is, I don't know who was the person that had unsubscribed in the the past to resubscribe them. You used to have this feature in the past. Would you consider bringing it back? Thanks.
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