Show specific sign up form in "Source"

0 Votes

It would be very helpful to see the contact list(s) that were updated in my reporting page. I have no way of knowing which specific campaign people are subscribing to when I have multiple campaigns going.


Hi @SunnyB44


Are you looking to break down individual campaign reports by list or include contact lists as a field included in your reporting export?

Status changed to: Gathering Information
Campaign Collaborator

Either? Both?


Right now, I have three different campaigns - Lead Generation Landing Pages - that are all umbrella'd under a Custom Landing Page campaign. These are product-specific campaigns and I want to be able to see which "campaign" users are "signing up" for.

I have created contact lists for each campaign and another contact list that merged all three - but there is no clear identification to show which campaign the user came in through. The source says "Sign Up Form LP"  and I can't tell which "sign up form LP" was used.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @SunnyB44 


Thanks for following up with these details! We can understand how important it would be to see which specific sign-up form a contact used when signing up for your list. We have opened up your idea so other users can weigh in as well.

Status changed to: Acknowledged
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