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Select multiple lists for Text to Join

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I really love this feature but it is a bit limiting for us. We have multiple newsletters and lists that go to unique audiences. It would be great if we could create different/multiple keywords to join each list.


Hi @asi_communications


We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect the status of the idea with our engineering team. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on the idea but should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and are continuing to collect both requests. 

Status changed to: Acknowledged
It'd be great to have the option to use text to join for more than one email list. For example, we send weekly news in English, as well as one in Spanish - but only have text to join for one of them.
Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

Thank you for the idea. Our former text-to-join tool was retired in 2023 and is no longer being updated. Therefore, we are closing this post for future comments.

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