Anyone Else Having Problems With The Editor (See body)

Campaign Collaborator

Fellow Constant Contactors! This week has been MADDENING! I'll highlight text that I want to format, and the format bar at the top vanishes! I mouseover a block to manipulate it (move, copy, delete) and the little tab on the right of the block does not appear!!! EVENTUALLY, if I try enough times, I can get my work done, but this is INSANE! TECH INFO: WIN 11 platform, FIREFOX browser.

Top Answer

Hello @BuddyK0 ,


Are you clicking in the blocks first to prompt the toolbar to appear, or are you going straight to highlighting? When you're hovering over a row, are you currently editing the row missing its right-side menu?


Do the issues occur in other browsers, or in incognito/private mode? Do the issues occur when you're working in a fresh, new campaign, or only a campaign with a lot of content, or one that's several iterations of copied-copies deep?

0 Votes

Hello @BuddyK0 ,


Are you clicking in the blocks first to prompt the toolbar to appear, or are you going straight to highlighting? When you're hovering over a row, are you currently editing the row missing its right-side menu?


Do the issues occur in other browsers, or in incognito/private mode? Do the issues occur when you're working in a fresh, new campaign, or only a campaign with a lot of content, or one that's several iterations of copied-copies deep?

William A
Community & Social Media Support

I've been having this same issue on Mac using Safari. It is absolutely maddening and makes me want to leave CC all together. If I'm close to the edge the menu appears as it use to, but the moment I try to move the cursor towards the menu it disappears. SO FRUSTRATING.

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Hi @KathleenD. Are you able to answer the questions posed by William above? This will help us with troubleshooting. 


Caitlin M.
Community Manager

Same issues as the others; copies deep, I don't know what constitutes "a lot" of content, but I'm ready to pull my hair out and break something expensive.

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Hi! Generally, "a lot of content" is a bit subjective, but optimized emails tend to be on the shorter side (depending on the purpose of the email, "short" is also relative). But if you usually copy from an old campaign. make changes to the existing content and copy/paste in new copy, and the email is longer than about a standard page, it's possible something is getting mucked up in the coding. But even this is variable and other users have not necessarily experienced the same problems.


Out of curiosity, to continue the troubleshooting, have you tried creating a brand new, fresh template and played around in it to see if the same behaviors occur? Even if just for the purpose of this investigation, it would be helpful to know if the issues persist. Likewise, if you work in one of your old emails in a completely different browser or in Safari's safe browsing/incognito mode. Sometimes there are random extensions or old cookies/cache that might be interrupting the experience, as well.

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Campaign Collaborator

I also have this problem off and on since Constant Contact made all their updates about a year or year and a half ago. It's so frustrating! Has anyone figured out how to make the text box appear when I highlight the text? 

Campaign Contributor
0 Votes

I have this same issue. So frustrating. 

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