Review the Benefits of SMS Marketing and How to Add it to Your Account

Welcome to the world of SMS marketing! We'll show you how to harness the power of text messages to engage your audience right on their smartphones. Get ready to discover the secrets of crafting compelling SMS marketing campaigns that will captivate your customers and drive results.


What is SMS Marketing?


SMS marketing is a form of consent-based communication for you to engage your contacts through text messages sent directly to their mobile phones.


Why should I consider adding SMS marketing to my email plan?



SMS marketing is a powerful tool for small businesses, offering a range of benefits. One of the key advantages is its ability to build strong customer relationships. By sending timely and relevant messages, you can keep your customers engaged and increase their loyalty to your brand. SMS marketing is also a direct and immediate communication channel, with high open rates and quick response times. This means you can connect with your audience in real-time and drive action, especially for customers and contacts who prefer receiving news, coupons, promotions, and other messages via text.


đź“Ł 91% of consumers are interested in signing up for texts


Another major benefit of SMS marketing is its cost-effectiveness. It allows you to reach a wide audience without breaking the bank. With its budget-friendly nature, SMS marketing can deliver impressive results for your business.


What are the features of SMS marketing through Constant Contact?

  • Easy-to-use editor: Create messages quickly with an editor that includes a live preview and built-in link shortener. The editor also provides counters so you always know how many individual text messages your SMS includes and the number of contacts you're sending to so that you don't go over your monthly allotment.
  • Phone number: We provide you a dedicated phone number to send your texts from. The area code for your dedicated number is based on the support phone number you provide when you register. The phone number stays the same, so your contacts always know the message is coming from you.
  • Privacy policy and terms of service templates: If you already have a privacy policy and terms of service you can link to them or upload them into your Library to host them. If you don't yet have them, we provide templates you can use to create them, to get you up and running quickly.
  • Sign-up Landing Pages: Grow your list with a custom webpage designed to capture new contacts! We create an SMS-enabled landing page for you that you can start using immediately. The landing page includes an SMS marketing consent field and a field to collect a mobile number independently from a general phone number.  You can even create additional Sign-up Landing Pages that can be further customized for a specific audience, too.
  • Automated communications: For those in the Standard or Premium packages, you can automatically send communications at the right time without having to lift a finger. Create abandoned cart messages that trigger to send SMS message reminders to help increase your sales through BigCommerce, Shopify, and Wix.
  • Reporting: Gain insights on what works by analyzing clicks, views, unsubscribes, revenue, and other metrics. Leverage this data to inform and optimize future marketing campaigns.


How do I add SMS Marketing to my plan?


It’s important to note that Constant Contact’s SMS marketing tools are only available to US customers (excluding Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands).




The Premium Plan automatically includes this feature, while the Lite and Standard Plans offer the option to add it for an additional $10/month.

Add SMS by navigating to the Billing tab under Account settings. Review how to add SMS marketing to your Constant Contact email plan and once you’re ready, it’s time to prepare some important information and register for your new mobile number!

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‎05-10-2024 01:26 PM
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is the average open rate for text message marketing.
- Crazy Egg
is generated for every dollar spent on SMS Marketing.
- Attentive Mobile
boost to your contact’s lifetime with your business by using Email + SMS strategy.

- Braze, 2021 Global Customer Engagement Review

The results are in. Find out how SMS can help the marketing efforts.
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