Ours has been down since yesterday. I tried creating a new event prior to know it was an issue with other issues as well. Same issue when I did so. Has anyone received a response from Constant Contact? This is a significant issue.
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It appears that event pages for several entities are down, including ours. This is a significant issue, especially for those of us with registration deadlines quickly approaching. A prompt response to this problem is much appreciated.
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Our event page is down and we have some registration deadlines quickly approaching. I went to send an e-mail out and noticed that the links were down. I tried to make a new event just to see if that might be a work around and that was down as well. http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/regform?llr=h9f5i76ab&oeidk=a07eig2g7eo022b7b0b
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We have the same thing going on and have a registration deadline later this week. Important to get an e-mail reminder out today, but can't do so if none of the links work.
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