I completely understand the reason for your policies around this, and I would never try to grab a contact back who had unsubscribed. Every time I've done this process, was initiated by an email from one of my contacts who did not realize they had unsubscribed, and asked me to add them back in. It happens a few times a year, and the process is so frustrating for them and for me. This is not the first time I've had this problem with one of my older subscribers. But in this case, the person is a retired former co-worker whom I know well, and who is computer literate. I initiated the re-subscribe link at his request. It was so easy to unsubscribe that he did not realize he had done it! When he received the re-subscribe email, he wrote back to me to say that he got it and clicked all the buttons, so it seemed like the problem was solved. But when I checked on his status in CC, whatever he had done when he received the re-subscribe link just confirmed the unsubscribe. In the past, people who went through this exact process were not as well known to me, and I figured they were just screwing up the instructions. But when it happened again with this particular contact, it made me feel that your system is unclear and inadequate for the community I serve.
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