I'm able to query Email Campaign Summary report through API using Python, however when I query an end point for Email Bounce Report, I get the "Requested Resource Not Found error". Is it something which I'm missing.
Here, is the short description of my python query for Bounce report (
report_url= "https://api.cc.email/v3/emails/reports/email_reports/" + campaign_activity_id + "/tracking/bounces"
header = {"Authorization":authorization_str, "Content-Type":"application/json", "cache-control":"no-cache"}
r = requests.get(base_url_bounce_report, headers=header)
authorization_str and campaign_activity_id are variables which holds appropriate values.
Need to fill this out asap.
Hello @DonnaP4507,
I see that you've also contacted us on this issue via email, which we've replied to, however I wanted to close the loop on this post as well. The endpoint path you provided includes an extra segment. The correct endpoint is:
The documentation for this endpoint can be referenced here:
Please let us know if you have any questions!
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