I am getting the following error when I run the syncconstantcontact.v3.php script.:
error_description":"refresh_token parameter is required for grant_type=refresh_token","error":"invalid_request
It appears there is an issue with the code in getaccesstoken.v3.php since I am getting the following error:
"error_description":"Authorization code is invalid or expired.","error":"invalid_grant"
How do I solve the issue with the expired Authorization code?
Running the first code above should sync contacts in my database with constant contact but that is not working now.
Getting the same problem.
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
If the scripts you're using aren't correctly generating Access and Refresh Tokens, we’d be happy to take a look at your code to see if we can provide any further insight. Please feel free to send copies of your PHP scripts to webservices@constantcontact.com for review and we’ll follow up via email with our findings.
hi, i am facing the same problem when i test with postman, it is really hard to get an answer here, can you help me?
here is my problem;
I've never been able to get tokens with your APIs, really, my client instructed me to look for alternatives and I think I'm making my last attempts.
Hello AfshinY,
Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.
It looks like we've already followed up with you directly via email, but I wanted to close the loop here as well. If you haven't received our reply, please let us know via email at webservices@constantcontact.com, and reference case number 29531377.