I was researching why my Refresh Token keeps expiring and found this post: https://community.constantcontact.com/t5/Developer-Support-ask-questions/Refresh-Token/m-p/332029
Based on the information found there, am I to assume that you only allow one Constant Contact account authentication via an api?
Meaning, if I had 2 separate sites that used a custom solution to validate an account and each site used the same Constant Contact account, that the Refresh Tokens would keep canceling each other out?
If true, this behavior seems rather odd.
Please confirm.
Hi @BobB692,
This is correct; the scenario you have outlined to use the same account on multiple sites is something we are looking in to for future development and do not currently have an ETA on.
Thanks for the quick response.
Does this restriction exist at the Account level or per API Key (token)?
Meaning, what if I used a different API Key and Client Secret to authenticate the same account on different sites?
Would that work? Or does the same restriction apply?
The reason I am asking is for development purposes only. I have several sites set up for testing and I keep getting the error of invalid 'refresh_token' even though I am sure I did not re-authenticate elsewhere.
Hi @BobB692,
The Access/Refresh Tokens do have a link between the API Key that generated them and the account that authorized them. If you were to create a new API Key and go through the oAuth flow it should generate a completely different set of Access/Refresh Tokens that do not interfere with the first set.