Problem while creating a Campaign

Campaign Collaborator
0 Votes

I'm getting below error while creating a new campaign,


[ { "error_key": "http.status.internal_server_error", "error_message": "We are currently experiencing an issue with our service, please try again in a few minutes or contact Customer Support." } ]


Everything is perfect in the request. Can you please help?

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Hello @user431876,


Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact's API Support.


There are a few different things that can cause that error. If this is a new account make sure that your account has the physical address set under the My Settings section. Also make sure that you have verified the reply-to and from address you are using.


As for email campaign specific issues make sure that you have assigned a contact list to the email and ensure that you have set a valid send time. If all of these are set and correct can you please provide a code snippet of what you are submitting when this error occurs?

Jimmy D.
Tier II API Support Engineer
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