Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Supported Values of EmailAddress API property confirm_status are incorrect

Campaign Contributor
0 Votes



We're building a library to access the v3 API, built with openapi-generator based on the Open API schema file available here: https://v3.developer.constantcontact.com/api_guide/v3api_schema.html


On the EmailAddress response object, the confirm_status property lists two supported values, "Pending" and "Confirmed". However the description says that it may also return "Off". We've observed the API returning "off" lower cased.


Could you please clarify what possible values this property might return, and update the schema file?


Adam Mills

0 Votes

Hello @AdamM5071,


Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact's API Support.


We appreciate you bringing this to our attention. We'll go over the possibilities and update the file as needed and get back to you.

Jimmy D.
Tier II API Support Engineer
Campaign Contributor
0 Votes

We've found some additional discrepancies in the API schema file.

- For `StreetAddress` and `PhoneNumber`, there are additional `kind` selections available in the UI that aren't in the enum list.

- The `Customer.contact_phone` and `CustomerPut.contact_phone` properties have zero listed as the maxLength, instead of 25 as written in the description.

- The `EmailCampaign.type` and `EmailCampaignActivity.current_status` properties have enum values listed in title case, but API responses are all uppercase.

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