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Use the API with Campaign Templates

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It is my understanding that the API does not support campaign templates.

I thought of the following workaround: Using the web interface, I have created a template using the Brand Templates feature.  I sent a test email to myself, and then using Outlook, got the source code.  Can I use that source code to send an html email through Constant Contact, or is that against the terms of service?  Is there a better way to do this?

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Hi @MeirH0,


The API cannot edit a campaign template; however it schedule/send, and view reporting for those campaigns. If you are going through the steps to create the campaign in the UI what is the use case to then try to get the HTML and put it back in our system? Once I understand the use case I may be able to offer a better solution.

Jimmy D.
Tier II API Support Engineer
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I have a use case for this request.  We have implemented a new point of sale system and we are a museum that has memberships that get created and renewed yearly.  We are currently using CC to store membership data (via custom fields).


I'd like to create a template via the UI and have the API call that template and send an email to a newly created or renewed member.


The new POS has a webhook to another system I've developed, that system could then call the CC API when a membership is purchased, and update existing contacts or create a new contact with all the relevant info.


The use case for this is that the non-programmers can update the wording / appearance of the template via the UI and not have to involve me to manually manipulate HTML.


I moved our website from manually developed PHP to Squarespace for this same reason.



0 Votes

Hello MeganL78,


Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.


Thanks so much for your feedback regarding this request. It has been submitted for review and consideration by our engineering team. Your feedback and experience with this request is essential to improving our product, so thank you for reaching out to us regarding this matter.


One potential workaround for your use case when a new contact is created would be to utilize the Automation Path Builder feature. This feature would need to be configured entirely via the UI, however, it would allow for newly added contacts to be automatically sent an email or series of emails created via the UI with a customizable trigger and timing. It also allows for the content of the emails to be edited via the same drag and drop editor interface available via the UI as needed. Below I’m including a support article on this feature.


Getting started with the Automation Path Builder: 


Please have a look and let us know if you have any other questions!



John B.
API Support Specialist
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