Let's Play Bingo in Week 4 of the Ready, Set, Send Challenge!

Re: Template Feedback - Welcome and Getting Started

Campaign Contributor

I would like feedback on my email template and content. https://conta.cc/4albqWi Thank you, Tracy B

Campaign Expert

Hi Tracy, I like the email! I wonder if the font in the buttons could be a little bigger and maybe in bold font? I also noticed that the "T" in the email address at the bottom of the email is not hyperlinked along with the rest of the email address. Take care!

Campaign Contributor

Thank you so much! I will check both of those things out. 


I agree with ElectionO's feedback, but I'll point out some additional things that I see.


1) Clickable logo at the top - ✔️


2) The text below the logo starting with "You are receiving this email because..." is it aligned that way intentionally? If possible, I would left-align or center it. Actually, given the size of the logo, I'm wondering if you could left-align the logo image and put the unsubscribe messaging to the right of it? It might not look good, but worth trying out just to see! Otherwise, you could try putting some other information up there to the right of the logo image, like your contact information or social media profiles.


3) There are a few different sections in the email. Is the YouTube video about homebuyers and sellers meeting the first and most important thing you want people to engage with? It's totally fine if it is, just want to put that thought out there! If most of your contacts are opening on mobile, consider how much of the actual email they might see before starting to scroll. What happens if they don't scroll? Then whatever is at the top becomes the most important part of the email.


4) The next section with "PRICE IMPROVEMENT!" could maybe use some extra formatting to better organize the information. The "Coming Soon" image is quite large and maybe takes away from other potential, more important information further down. The image is nice, but ideally people would want to see the property itself, so I would consider maybe getting rid of the image and just leaving the text. Could we name this section, too? It highlights one property that's available for appointment and one that is coming soon. Something like, "Property News" or "Property Listings." You might know better lingo to use for your industry. The use of video to show off the available property is great, though!


5) For the "Read Latest Edition of..." section, I'd consider changing the background color. I perused your website and this particular shade of green didn't appear anywhere. Your branding colors appear to be white, grey, and I think a couple different shades of purple? Maybe the lighter shade of purple would work?


6) At least on my screen, there appears to be some artifacting or compression on the Zillow Reviews image. I recommend checking out our article on how to prepare images for upload to make sure you get the best image quality. It's possible the actual size the image is smaller than the space it is occupying in the template, so it's appearing pixelated. I'd also consider cropping the image to cut off the part that says "Read them for yourself at Zillow.com." The image could sit at the top of the section and you could move the "Planning to buy or sell soon" text beneath it.


7) I might suggest that unless the priority of the email is to promote your Instagram presence, you can leave the heavy lifting to the Instagram icon at the bottom (or move the social icons to the top like in my suggestion in 2) instead of another big image, though I like the personal touch it conveys!


😎 The "More Choices" image is quite large. I also didn't realize the "Are Home Prices Rising and Falling?" led to a Youtube video until I accidentally clicked on it. If these are two distinct messages in the "Market Update" section I would make that separation more distinct. Maybe insert the YouTube video with the video block and, if possible, crop or shrink the "More Choices" image and maybe left or right align it and add some text about how they can read the latest report or something.


9) There is some extra space above "Want to know more about a specific County..." that could probably get deleted.


10) At the bottom, I might consider removing the Tracy Bryant logo as it is already represented at the top and your name is also mention in the center text with the Lic info. If you remove the logo, you could probably bump the phone number/email and social icons under the address information and just have it be a two column section instead of three.


Overall, I like that your email is pretty clean with not a lot of competing colors and you utilize video in multiple places which is also nice! I hope this advice is helpful. 🙂

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