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Remove Contacts from Lists Bulk Activity api fail

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getting following error when i was use Remove Contacts from Lists Bulk Activity api 


error :

"error_key": "contacts.api.bad_request",
"error_message": "list_ids, all_active_contacts, contact_ids are mutually exclusive"


my payload :

  "source": {
    "list_ids": [
    "contact_ids": [
  "list_ids": [
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Hello @KarlK0,


Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API. Typically we work directly with those developers on issues surrounding creating integrations and interfacing with our API. 


Based on the payload supplied it looks like some information is needed to ensure all contacts are removed from a particular list. From what I'm seeing the structure of the payload is valid but if you're trying to just remove all the contacts from a particular list then there is some body that may not be needed. Below is the payload body structure which should work as expected. For the list_ids you'll need to ensure you have a list_id in there to specify which list you're removing contacts from. I just placed a series of number as a placeholder with the format in which the list_id should be in, you'll just need to insert the list_id in place and that should work.


	"source": {
		"all_active_contacts": true
	"list_ids": [

Please take a look and reply directly to this post if you have any other questions!


Stephen T.
API Support Engineer
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