Use the Automation Path Builder to Send Abandoned Cart Text Messages

If you're using Shopify, Wix, or WooCommerce to run your online store front, then it's crucial to integrate your accounts with Constant Contact and leverage the Automation Path Builder to send targeted abandoned cart emails and recover sales before they are lost!


We recommend reading the full article on our Knowledge Base, but if you're interested in jumping straight to creating SMS message content, we've outlined the steps below:


1. Click the three dots on the Send an SMS step in your path, and select "Edit."




2. Use the SMS message editor to customize your abandoned cart message content. Enter the content of your text message, or use the AI Content Generator to help get you started. Set up your content for success: Your message can include a single URL, but doesn't allow for images. Longer messages are broken into individual text messages that impact your billing.


📣 Be careful not to delete the [[AbandonedCartURL]] placeholder in your message. It’s designed to bring each unique customer directly to their own cart. If deleted, you have to delete the SMS step from your path and add a new one.


3. Click Save and Close in the upper right-hand corner of the editor to return to the Path builder.



When you're all set and satisfied with your work, it's time to activate your abandoned cart communication.

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Last update:
‎06-14-2024 02:16 PM
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is the average open rate for text message marketing.
- Crazy Egg
is generated for every dollar spent on SMS Marketing.
- Attentive Mobile
boost to your contact’s lifetime with your business by using Email + SMS strategy.

- Braze, 2021 Global Customer Engagement Review

The results are in. Find out how SMS can help the marketing efforts.
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