Billing Suspend Request

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TEMPORARY ACCOUNT SUSPENSION during inactivity, DISCOUNTS, other help for Unemployed Creators


In light of the fresh and enduring hell the pandemic has wrought for performing artists, will Constant Contact offer some sort of discount program to help unemployed creators? We are currently paying through the nose on a monthly basis for a service we almost never use any more.

Our mailing list has grown just enough that you all now charging us $70 per month. We HAVE NOT SENT AN EMAIL CAMPAIGN for 7 months. SEVEN MONTHS! That is a whole hell of a lot of our ever-vanishing money straight down the drain, for almost nothing. We cannot afford to do this much longer.
We may send out one more mailing — but that is all that we plan to do with Constant Contact for another six month months, or so. More likely for another year, or more. We cannot in good conscious ask people to gather together in close quarters, indoors, until our nation has achieved true herd immunity (via a 70% vaccination rate), which is not going to happen anytime soon. If we are not performing live concerts, we have very little reason to send out emails to our fan list.
Will Constant Contact offer us a suspension feature? 
And will Constant Contact give us some sort of rebate for the 7+ months we have not used the service? It would be helpful if Constant Contact only charged us at such a high rate for the months that we do use the service. (And a steeply discounted rate for those months we don’t use the service - which is clearly the majority at this point, and shall remain the majority of the time in the near future.)
If you cannot offer one or both of those discount/suspension/rebate programs to help us struggling creators, I hope I am able to download my contacts database properly so that I can promptly close down my Constant Contact account after our next, last mailing. 
Thank you for your reply and for your consideration,
1 Comment
Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Hi @AmyW10 thank you for sharing this feedback with us. The good news is we do offer users the ability to suspend for a nominal fee when they are not actively using their account. Not only this, but we also have Billing Support agents available by phone who can help take a closer look at your account for any discounts that may be available. If you have any further questions or concerns on your account's pricing for your account security we suggest calling into our Billing Support for further assistance.

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