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Change background color by column

1) I would like to suggest having an option to have a sidebar for the generation 3 templates. This would make it easier to organize newsletter.

2) I would also love to edit the rows a little more. For example, being able to change the color of one section and having a different color for the other section. 

3) Having a vertical divider would also be helpful in distinguishing between 2 sections within the same row

Campaign Contributor

How can you be a page-layout developer for Constant Contact and not know what a sidebar is?

Status changed to: Acknowledged

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.


There were a few requests brought up in this thread that I wanted to point out:


  • We implemented a sidebar column premade layout that allows for a color change using the Design tab
  • Vertical dividers are available to create better separation of multi-column layouts
  • There is an open request thread for the ability to insert a background image for a block. Comments should be left on that thread, not this one for more accurate tracking.
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