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Contact appears on the open report and bounce report

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Statistics of emails opened, bounced, etc. are not nearly as useful as they could be. If a recipient responds with a vacation message, it counts towards the "bounced" total. If recipient comes back from vacation and opens the mail, it ALSO counts toward "opened." Every time this happens, sent = (opened + not opened + bounced) gets off by one. For a particular email (at least), the "not opened" total is called out as 19. 

1 Comment
Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @MattSwift. Thank you for your feedback. If a contact has an automated reply and then opens the email, the contact will show in both areas. This allows you to accurately track the actions of a contact who interacts with your email. I understand how this type of reporting can affect your opens and bounce rates though. We'll track this feedback as acknowledged and provide updates should there be any changes to how we track reporting.

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