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Delete contact from within the contact profile

It would be nice to be able to delete or remove the contact while on the screen that reflects the contacts details.

Campaign Contributor

We have to go to too many screens to just Delete a bounce, making sure it is a valid bounce (as in wrong or not a valid email any more, etc). If I click on the "Trash can" you would think you are "deleting" it, but then it takes you to the next screen where you can put an exclamation of why you are deleting (that's a good thing) but after submitting the exclamation, there is not other submit or no indication that this person will be deleted. Where do you go from there?


Hi Donna, 

Thanks for posting, this is great feedback. Can you tell me more about which trashcan icon you are using? If you are using the trashcan icon on the contact details directly this is mean to delete just the email address but if you are using the trashcan on the bounce report you will see the popup message. Can you clarify which you are using so I can better understand whats happening?



Status changed to: New

There should be an option to delete all contacts in the profile area when you select their profile to track there activity instead of having to back space and delete.

Status changed to: New
Status changed to: New
Thanks for this feedback. I can understand how this would be helpful. You can delete the contact from the list view too--just check off the contact and use the "More Actions" drop down to choose "Delete".
Campaign Contributor
When reviewing the Opens in Reports, there is no way to easily delete a contact. Can it be added to the dropdown? The "old" system was much easier to navigate in terms of contact management!
Status changed to: New
Thank you for this idea. If you agree and would like to see the option to delete contacts from within the email reports, please let us know by voting for this idea.
Your way of removing contacts and lists is hard to understand. I like things the old way.
Status changed to: New
Thanks for posting. Can you tell me more about what is confusing for you?
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