Events 2.0 - Include all registrant information in confirmation email

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Unlike Legacy Events, Events 2.0 Beta Registration Confirmation email is missing the custom fields filled out during registration - therefore registrant cannot fully check the accuracy of their registration.   

Status changed to: Acknowledged

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team, and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request, but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.

Marketing Legend

The Events 2.0 "Thank you for registering for.." Registration confirmed! email sent to the registrants lacks important details such as payment instructions.


When "Pay by" : Check is selected, the Payment instructions: are not included in the Registration confirmed email.


Also, the "Registration complete!" page lacks a print option.


Campaign Contributor

Hello. We run academic conferences where registrants select from multiple session options within each time slot. Ideally, their session selections would be automatically emailed to them when they finish registration. However, the confirmation emails seem to contain very scant details instead.


Is there any way to resolve this - for example, by having Constant Contact's confirmation emails include all registration data input by the registrant (thereby disclosing their session choices)? If this can't be toggled directly through Constant Contact's user interface, is there support for it in the API?


Thank you!

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