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Library - More Search & Sorting Options

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Setup the photo library into two parts - one part general and the other frequently used where I can dump the mastheads and any other photos I use regularly - so don't have to scroll through the entire library to change out my mastheads.



Constant Contact needs a tool to manage library content.  I have 1747 images in my library.  I would like to delete a lot of the old ones, but the only way I can get to them is to scroll the entire list!

Marketing Legend

Is there any way adding the option to select 25, 50 or 100 images in the detailed list view, rather than "select more"? I inherited this account and I am trying to organize close to 1000 unfiled images. What about also being able to sort them in reverse time order?  Even better would be to update the Date Range feature in the Advanced Search option. Surely you can come up with a better means of selecting a date range than scrolling through a calendar month by month.


Good Morning! 

I would love to see more sorting capabilities for images. At current time, I have over 4k images and need to do a clean up. I am unable to sort the pics by date added which means I need to scroll back 10+ years. That is also another thing, it would be very helpful if more than 10 images in the library were shown at one time. At this rate I will be doing this image cleanup for years. I don't want to run out of storage so am doing my best. Please, please consider adding a sorting capability to images.  Thank you in advance for your consideration. 


The library still is NOT SORT-ABLE. Someone said to click on the Date Added or Basic Info column headings, but that still DOES NOT work. I've been using Constant Contact for almost 15 years, it's amazing this hasn't been added yet.

Marketing Legend

I hate to say it, but after all comments and how long this issue has existed, I'm guessing they just don't know how to fix it or just don't want to!!!!!!!!!


PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE bring back the feature in the Image Library that shows whether or not (and how many times) an image has been used in an email. It's needed very badly so we can organize our library and know which images are unused and can be deleted.


used in email screenshot.jpg.


It'd be helpful if there was a way to filter the items in the library from oldest to newest so that when the storage needs cleaned out, it is easy to just filter to the oldest and block delete.  Instead, you require me to manually surf backwards to delete and never really getting to the oldest files.  This is a pain in the neck.

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