More Search Options/Advanced Search for Contacts

Contacts needed a re-design, but I am not sure why you have removed the Advanced Search feature?!

Isn't keeping your contacts list up-to-date a very important part of managing a mailing list, which will increase your open rate? Why yes, it is!  So I don't understand why you would remove the advanced search so that i can no longer look for people who fit a certain criteria so I can remove them when updating our lists.  For example, the only way I can remove people who are no longer members of our organization (and therefore should not receive our emails) was to upload a new list of all current members and tag them with today's date, then do an advanced find for people who did not have the tag and remove them. Now, I can no longer do that!  So there's essentially no way for me to update my lists to remove emails.  PLEASE FIX THIS!

😫Every time something is upgraded, another function breaks or is deprecated. Not good. 

Status changed to: Gathering Information

Since this was originally posted some additional fields have been added to search by, however, there are still more fields and scenarios to be addressed. Setting this to Gathering Information only to encourage further sharing of which fields or scenarios would be helpful for contacts searching improvements.


Users should be able to Search any terms in the Contact List search field. We should be able to search through Notes, Names, email, anything at all. Instead, it only searches the Names from the starting characters.

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