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New Edit toolbar makes screen jump - please put it in a fixed height toolbar instead

The new Editing toolbar is very annoying. Every time i select an element and the toolbar appears, it bumps my email down. Then when I unselect an element, it jumps back up again. When you are trying to edit things quickly, it is very frustrating because you have to keep finding where your cursor went.  No, it's not my bandwidth. It's the toolbar because it keeps being hidden and re-appearing.  Can you at least add a fixed height area for the toolbar to appear in so that my email stops being bumped down everytime the editor appears, and bumped back up once I de-select an element?

In case you don't understand what I'm talking about, I have included a screencast of this behavior:


1 Comment
Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Hello @Marisa_M ,


Based on what 's showing in the video, the docked toolbar is functioning as intended. Since different block types have different formatting options and functions, the docked toolbar isn't going to be the same for each block, and in some cases may have more options than can fit on the screen, depending on how zoomed-in a person is while working in the editor. For these reasons and others, the devs maintain that the bar needs to disappear and display based on prompts from selecting blocks or clicking out of the blocks.

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