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I was never informed that the initial price I was quoted would go up by almost 3x's the amount if I uploaded "too" many contacts. I was told that I would pay $45.00 per month. I am a non-profit with limited funds and do not at all appreciate what you have done or your business practices. I'm sure you do not care however, what you have done is shameful at best. I wonder how many other organizations you are doing this to. Shame ding ding ding Shame!!!
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Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Hi @PrentissJ  we apologize for any confusion there may be with the pricing on your account. Pricing for every account is based both on the email plan you are under as well as the level of active contacts you have in your account. Because of this upgrading/downgrading from Email Plus and uploading/deleting a large amount of contacts can affect pricing. With that said, due to account security we are unable to publicly go into an accounts billing details. If you have any further questions we ask that you please call into our Billing Support for assistance. One of these billing agents can help find the answers you need.

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