Reorder social posts

0 Votes

I love the new social tool! I'm so glad you've added this and I've already posted using it and scheduled a couple more. Question: Can you set up the queue so you can easily reorder your upcoming posts? Perhaps using drag and drop to switch them? I would certainly make use of it. Thanks!

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @TCRPC-PA  thanks for sharing this feedback with us! We're happy to hear you love our social tool and have opened this feedback request up so other users can weigh in as well.

Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

We're happy to announce with our new Social Posting tool, scheduled posts can be rescheduled by clicking "Unschedule" and changing the date and time. The new scheduled time will be shown on the Social Posts page so you can see the correct order and make any other changes.

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