Resend to non-openers shows "invalid date"

0 Votes

re send , it is hit or miss , only works half the time. If you can't support it don't say you have i


Hi @RonaldS56


We have taken a look at your account and can see this is actually a defect you are experiencing. Because this is not something all users are experiencing we will leave this idea open to continue collecting details from other users this may be happening to. We ask that users please email us at social_support(at)constantcontact(dot)com with your username, a reference to this post, name of your campaign, a screenshot or screencast of issue, and a screenshot of the dev console (right-click on page > inspect > dev console tab).


As workarounds, we recommend making a new list from the contacts who have not opened the email yet, making a copy of the email and send only to the new list of contacts.

Status changed to: Gathering Information
Status changed to: Closed - No Action

As this issue doesn't occur for all customers and the amount of information we require to review why a campaign doesn't schedule a resend, we will close this post since it is support-related. If you require assistance with scheduling your campaign, please post on our Questions & Discussions board and our team will assist you further.

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